Fat Stax of Art with Simon, 2022, digital collage, C.Tuohy

How do I know I am an artist?

As an act of self-diagnosis. I'm an artist. I will eventually have to say this in front of somebody else and then continue to say so. No contracts to sign, no forms to fill out. redy2go. You know when somebody just does something.. No question? Well, I just make stuff. Sometimes it’s called art.

In the 80s I exhibited my first portrait to the Marty monster TV show hosted by Darryl Cotton. The theme was draw or paint your teacher. I got mum to submit a drawing I made of Frankenstein. I'm not sure what the the purpose or what the meaning was* (bullshit I do, but im too embarrassed to say, into the ‘take this to the grave’ box it goes) but...... I got a mention on TV.

As a teacher I like to show my work first so that the students can make an accurate decision as to whether or not they think they can learn something from me.

Whatever your decision is, either way, I am going to be doing it anyway. That's how I know I'm an artist. THAT'S why I am doing Art with Simon

I have had some fantastic, talented and giving mentors. I have been given the privilege as well as the obligation to use the knowledge they gave me, but also pass it on. Given to me freely and I'm happy to do the same.

Not to mention, Matt's dad, Jeeff. I have been extremely lucky to be living at 68 Greens Lane Heathcote. If this property, "The Oaks" was only the only thing posted in videos and photographed, it would be enough of a reason to view this site.


ArtwithSimonArtwithSimonArtwithSimon, 2022, digital collage, C.Tuohy

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  • or incorporated into your own designs and creations.

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If you love art. To make it, 🖼 Buy it, 🖼 Talk it, 🖼 Know it, 🖼 Be it! 🖼 You want it from me.


❤Artist, teacher and consultant. I am interested in the imagination and the ways we learn. I'm always looking at new ways to do the same thing. Make ART. Most of all i am a Lover of ART! ☠ 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈